4/5s Continue Working on Their Identity Project
The 4th-8th graders have been working very hard on their identity projects. To start off the day today the 4/5s did an art train where they laid out all of their artwork on the tables and they circled the room to look at everyone's artwork to get some ideas. During class today some of the 4/5s started to finish up their project, but I am still trying to get a little more depth out of the projects. Rather than just sprint for the finish line we will start next class with a in progress critique. The benefit of doing an in progress critique is that when students make comments or give suggestions about their peer's work they actually have the opportunity to make changes. If we only did critiques at the end of the project and suggestions that could have lead to improvements would be lost. Hopefully the critique will help each student see the areas of their artwork that are working, and where they could improve, pushing them to do their best!